Saturday, June 03, 2006

Kickin in the Keys

Well Mike is now in the Keys, I've been here for 2 weeks. Summer camp is underway and it is going great, it's fun but it's exhausting. It's crazy hot here so it's nice that I live on the water. These are some pictures of me floating in front of the apartment and a pic my roomate took after I crashed after a long day of camp.


Jason Beaird said...

You make it look and sounds so hard when all you're doing in the pictures is laying down. :) Amy got inspired by your last post, so we drove down to Ikea in Atlanta and picked up wood flooring. Check it out. I've been busy working on a book, so she did most of that herself. The only thing I did was some of the more detailed cutting around the closet and nailing in the quarter round.

caroline and mike said...

Your floor looks great, looks like you had alot more floor than I did. I'm not even there to enjoy all my hard work. I still have to put down the quarter round when I get back.