Friday, February 24, 2006

caroline's day to day

well, i'm obviously in school for most of my life. i only have 2.5 months left of class and then we have a 2 week break in may and then i start my clinical year of rotations....crazy! right now i'm studying surgery, pediatrics, ob/gyn, psych, pharmacy and some other ethics type classes. i love surgery and am actually really enjoying ob/gyn as well. i also work in a cardiac ER on fridays so that's been really cool. i'm playing co-ed intramural bball and not much else going on besides that. we currently have no snow and the weather is 30-40ish. i miss friends and family a lot!!!!

here' a random picture of a sunset evening in italy summer 2004

Saturday, February 18, 2006

snowy moments

more frolicking in the powder

here you can see the depth of the snow right outside of our door. we could hardly get it open. it snowed from 10pm sat. night until sometime sunday evening.

snow angels!!!!!!

we recently had a major snowstorm in CT and had like 15 inches of snow or something crazy. mike and i decided to go frolick and enjoy it while it's here :)