Monday, September 05, 2011

visiting poe springs in high springs, FL

grandma and grey

greyson toes

cheese faces

serious cheese face

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

easter lunch

so we were lucky enough to have mike's mom with us for easter this year. we had a great easter lunch with our friends the mcbride's...cooper was napping so hence the lack of his pictures at the table

Monday, February 28, 2011

a morning with cooper

this morning cooper and i were having fun just hanging out in our pj's. so here is cooper checking out play-doh for the first time.....he was very excited about it initially

i showed him how to smash it and roll it and he only tried to put it in his mouth once :)

i think his favorite part was the smashing...go figure

little hands hard at work

cooper has also really been enjoying cars or as he calls them "trucks" his two favorite cars are two little tonka fire engines. he puts them inside his big wooden truck and wheels them around

he also thought it was super fun to push his matchbox cars across the coffee table back and forth with me and also just watch them crash

and of course the cooper "cheese" face

Sunday, February 06, 2011

week 21

here are ultrasound pictures of almost week 20... i took pictures with my phone of the ultrasound so the quality is not the best...sorry!!!

face shot of baby looking at us...really cool and a little creepy too

my favorite the profile shot

so i have been quite terrible about posting pictures and blogging about this 2nd here it is!!!!

i feel great!!!! my 1st trimester i totally had the dry heaves and felt really tired...which i did not have at all with coop.....also this baby is a lot lower, likely because all my uterine ligaments and abdominal wall muscles are much more stretched out then before...also, now i have a small umbilical hernia. as a result, i need to use the bathroom a lot more frequently so i don't wet my pants when i sneeze or fun right? i've been terrible about exercising this pregnancy mostly because i work FT and then am home with coop when i'm not at work. pray for me to be more organized with my time. the baby is doing awesome!!! all bloodwork and 20 week ultrasound were normal! mike can now feel the baby move and you can see little kicks if you watch my belly for a while. i started to feel the baby move at 17 weeks which is 2 weeks earlier than with cooper. the baby is about 10 1/2 inches long and weighs about 3/4 of a pound.

my growing baby bump

cooper's first stitches

so i uploaded the pictures backwards...the 2nd two are the day after they were put in and the first two pictures are 3 days after they were placed

so here is what happened to my poor buddy.... he somehow decided to get into the recycling and pull an empty can out. it was the only can in there and i specifically pushed the lid all the way down so the sharp lid wouldn't be sticking out. apparently, cooper thought he needed to dig the lid out with his chubby little fingers. he promptly ran over to mike with the can on his hand and yelling "stuck, stuck!" i was at work so mike was able to remove the can and off to the ER they came after mike sent me a picture of the injury. cooper was very brave and i put 3 stitches in his finger. he only cried during the "needle" parts and kept saying "up" because we had him wrapped up in a sheet. he was so good and stopped crying as soon as the suturing was done. he's been super good about letting us change the bandage. he actually would get worried and say "uh-oh" repeatedly if the bandage would come off. as you can tell it's healing well and he's completely fine with showing you his "ouchie"!

Saturday, February 05, 2011

maritime aquarium

so these pictures aren't the best...but cooper had a great time visiting the aquarium with his buddy liam and checking out all the cool fish

creepy shark

coop loved running around these tortoise shells and looking for liam

scary eel

the turtles were really cool and quite large ...difficult to photograph with the glass and the darkness

oooh!!!! fish!!!!

we also watched the seals do tricks and get fed

and they had a special meerkat exhibit

look liam look!!!!

best buds!!!

the boys cheesing it up for the camera...we had a great time staying at the sullivans...thanks for having us!!!!