Sunday, December 26, 2010

picking the perfect tree!!!!

after thanksgiving, we decided to get our tree. we bundled up and then headed to our local home depot with cooper, babcia and dziadziu.
not the greatest picture but the only one of the three of us on our christmas tree excursion

coop loved home depot!!! he ran around so excited that he actually threw up and then just continued running and playing. he had a lot of fun following the home depot tree guy around and just exploring all the things in the nursery.

so many trees!!!

ooh these have pretty shiny things on them!!!

our perfect tree.....a balsam fir that measured a good 8-9ft!!!!

cheesing it up with babcia and the little trees

gotta love the cooper cheese face...squinty eyes and all!!!

Saturday, December 25, 2010


time for turkey!!!!

we were so thrilled to be able to have thanksgiving with my parents this year...thanks so much for driving up to chilly CT!!!

my mom made a delicious dinner and we had such a great time visiting!!!!

this is cooper's official "cheese" face...cute except that his eyes are always closed!!!

cooper and his daddy

cooper and his mama

this was an extra special thanksgiving because as we sat around the table after dinner and read off our cards of what we were thankful dad was able to read the great news of baby #2 coming in June....this was the first time we able to share our big news!!!! we then, of course, called the rest of our family on speaker phone and shared the news with them.