Saturday, May 13, 2006

New Floors and End of Semester

Well Caroline was very busy the past week with finals, but she is all done. She passed and is now ready to start her internship rotations in June. Mike was very busy the past 3 days putting in new flooring in the condo. A big thanks go out to Nate Hickey for his help with the floor and for the use of his tools. Here is a before and after shot of the floor.


erik and courtney said...

Wow! Looks great...nice work Mike. Can't wait to hear how your new job is.

erik and courtney said...

Oh yeah! Congratulations on your grades...mrs. smarty pants. I am so proud of you.

The Fanelli's said...

Hey it's the Fanelli's! As you may know, we are pregnant again. I am due Sept. 26 with a girl! Her name will be Lena. Anyway we have a blog here too.

erik and courtney said...

Caroline...time to post some new pictures! I keep waiting and waiting.