Saturday, August 25, 2007


The Smiths

The Rudnickis

My fellow PA's and good friends

so these pictures are probably going to be out of order but you i hope you enjoy them! graduation day was awesome. my parents, both brothers and tomi (phill's girlfriend) as well as mike's parents all made the long trip from Florida and it was so wonderful to see everyone. it was a beautiful day with perfect weather and it was just so good to be done with school and surrounded by the people who love and support you the most. i was honored to receive the leadership award and be inducted into the national PA honors society so i really felt blessed and like my hard work paid off. after graduation, we headed to hammonnassett state park and grilled, played games and enjoyed the sunset.

here we are taking the PA oath

a group photo before graduation

i did it!!!!


Jason Beaird said...

Awesome! Congrats Caroline! So where are you guys headed next?

erik and courtney said...

Yeah! You are so smart...look at you with special cords and a leadership also forgot to mention that the speaker pointed you out in his speech! I am so proud of you!