Tuesday, April 28, 2009

24 weeks

so here are some belly pictures a 24 weeks. i am still feeling fabulous and enjoying the babys' frequents movement. also, if you observe my belly for a while you can see it moving from the outside. it's really cool and sometimes really weird when the baby is flipping around. the baby is about a pound and a half in weight and developing it's tastebuds and teeth buds as well as surfactant in the lungs which is going to help for oxygen exchange. he or she should really be gaining some weight this month, about 6 oz per week. size wise it's about 8.5 inches, the size of a standard letter envelope. i have purchased my first 2 pairs of maternity pants, which i am wearing in this picture but i'm still able to wear a lot of my regular clothes. i still feel like my regular self and have had no sickness or other complaints...praise God for such an amazing pregnancy!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You look beautiful! I am so glad your pregnancy is going well and you are feeling great. Peter and I miss you both!