Sunday, April 12, 2009

Visiting with Family

so since mike and i were fortunate enough to get away for a week together on a cruise to the carribbean.....we flew into orlando and spent the day with both sets of parents before our departure. orlando is probably the most central location between gainesville (where the smiths live) and melbourne (where the rudnickis live) both being 1 1/2 hr away or so. anyway, we met up and went out for lunch and then went to a theme park called "the holy land experience" which is modeled after events occurring in the Bible. there were a lot of dramas and mini musicals as well as artifacts and a beautiful prayer garden. at the end we were able to see a drama of the crucifixion and resurrection which was really powerful and had everyone in tears. it was great to be with family, even if only to spend the day together. we then headed south to my parents and my dad drove us to miami the next morning to leave for our vaca!!!! thanks dad!
my dad pretending to be samson and knock down the pillars

my cute parents in the prayer garden

me and my mom in front of the temple

both moms, me and belly

1 comment:

erik and courtney said...

we want more belly pictures!