Monday, February 28, 2011

a morning with cooper

this morning cooper and i were having fun just hanging out in our pj's. so here is cooper checking out play-doh for the first time.....he was very excited about it initially

i showed him how to smash it and roll it and he only tried to put it in his mouth once :)

i think his favorite part was the smashing...go figure

little hands hard at work

cooper has also really been enjoying cars or as he calls them "trucks" his two favorite cars are two little tonka fire engines. he puts them inside his big wooden truck and wheels them around

he also thought it was super fun to push his matchbox cars across the coffee table back and forth with me and also just watch them crash

and of course the cooper "cheese" face

1 comment:

erik and courtney said...

1. love your new camera. i can totally tell a difference in your photos.

2. cooper has SO many teeth. my little emmett still only has 2 teeth on the bottom. wierd!

3. his hair is SO long...i'm just sayin'!